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🤖 Robots are like toddlers, but with better programming and a mean streak

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The only way to do great work is to love what you do... or program a robot to do it for you.

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Can You Keep Up?

Well, well, well, look who's talking about automation at an accelerated pace! It's me, Tommy, your guide to this wonderfully deceptive world of robots and automation! And let me tell you, this automation thing is really taking off like a pallet racking salesman sales pitch!

As we all know, automation is becoming more prevalent, efficient, and cost-effective. But what does that mean for the end-users of technology? Well, folks, it means we might not need to hire a temp to do our filing anymore! Can I get an "oh yeah" from my cubicle dwellers?

But in all seriousness, this acceleration of automation is no joke. We're talking about machines doing things that used to require human labor, like assembling cars or even flipping burgers. And as the old saying goes, when the machines take over, we'll all be out of a job. But hey, at least we won't have to deal with your office pranks anymore, right?

In all honesty, there are a few things to keep in mind when adopting new technologies. First, we need to think about the impact on our workforce. We can't just automate everything without considering the people who will be affected. We need to make sure they're prepared for these changes, and that might mean investing in training or finding new roles for them.

Take our warehouse for example, if we were to automate all the manual labor, we’d end up replacing Old Bobby with a robot named R.O.Y (Robotic Operations Yielder). Now, that’s not fair, Bobby has been with us for years, and he knows how to handle our business. It's important to ensure that the workforce is prepared for these changes. And let's be honest, Bobby could use a little bit of retraining, am I right?

Secondly, we need to make sure these new technologies are secure and reliable. I don't want to be the one explaining to your boss why the system got hacked by some 14-year-old kid in his mom's basement. We need to prioritize security and make sure we have the right protections in place.

In fact, we had a security breach last year where the boss ended up clicking a suspicious link and it almost brought down our whole email system. Not cool, man. We need to make sure that we are taking the necessary precautions to prevent any security breaches or other risks. The last thing we want is you downloading a virus onto your computer and causing chaos in the company network.

And finally, we need to think about the ethical implications. I mean, we're talking about machines making decisions that could impact people's lives. We need to make sure these technologies are being used in a way that aligns with our values as a company and as a society. We don't want to be the next Skynet, do we? And if you get that reference MAJOR brownie points to you good sir!

Let’s say, for instance, we implement an AI chatbot to answer customer inquiries. While it might be more efficient, we need to make sure that our customers are getting the best service possible. We don’t want our chatbot to respond with, "I'm sorry, I don't understand the question" every time a customer asks for a product that we don't sell. We want to make sure our customers feel heard and valued, even if it means hiring someone to answer inquiries manually.

So there you have it, folks. Automation is coming, and it's coming fast. But as long as we keep these things in mind, we'll be just fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go practice my robot dance moves. Catch you on the flip side!

News of the Day

  • Toyota is focusing on the home care market. I doubt they’ll figure it out. Big companies have a way of killing off brilliance.

  • Who cares about making sure we have the best defenses in the world? This red, white, and blue blooded American patriot! If you aren’t in the know….guess who’s making it rain on the automation industry? That’s right..prime contractors for the US government!

  • Well, you heard it here folks, I’m disagreeing with the Wall Street Journal. Their article reports that companies are slow to adopt automation technology due to technical restraints. I call that nonsense. The slow adoption is because companies are slow to appropriate capital due to traditional ROI models. ROI can no longer be tied to labor costs. There needs to be a factor for the opportunity cost of NOT having labor.

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I Love You…My Robot

Alright, listen, 'cause I'm about to school you on the uncanny valley. It's like this freaky thing where stuff gets too human-like and it just starts to feel like you're living in a horror movie.

Picture this: you're at the mall and you see a robot that looks almost human, but not quite. It's like a bad botox job or something, and it just feels off. You can't quite put your finger on why it's so creepy, but you just know you don't wanna be alone with that thing in a dark alley.

Now, why does this happen? Some people say it's because our brains are hardwired to recognize and respond to human-like features. So when we see something that's almost human, it's like our brains can't handle it and just short-circuits.

Others say it's 'cause we start to project human emotions and intentions onto these things. So when they don't act like we expect them to, it's like, "whoa, robot, you're giving me mixed signals here!" And not in a good kinda way.

But here's the thing, y'all. This uncanny valley is serious business, and it's got implications for all sorts of stuff. Like, if you're making a robot to interact with humans, you gotta be careful not to make it too human-like, or you're gonna give people nightmares. And if you're creating a video game character, you gotta make sure they look real enough, but not so real that they creep people out.

But the craziest thing is, with technology getting more and more advanced, we're gonna start seeing more and more of this stuff. Like, picture being in a virtual reality game and coming across a character that looks almost like a real human. It's like, "oh snap, is this for real or am I still in the game?"

The uncanny valley is like a bad sci-fi movie come to life. It's real, it's creepy, and it's got implications for all sorts of technology. But as long as we keep our wits about us and don't get too carried away with making stuff look too human-like, we should be good. Just remember, robots are cool and all, but they won’t ever replace us humans, cause, you know, we're just too damn charming.

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