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🤖 Robotics and Automation 🦾: Taking the Work Out of Workin'

your automation news served hot and steamy

Automation, because let's face it, robots don't have bad hair days, and they always show up on time, unlike some people I know….

Meme of the Day

Automation is Booming

Alright folks, let me tell you something about robotics and automation, it's now mainstream, and you know why? Because technology is advancing faster than a cheetah on fire! And the demand for automation, it's skyrocketing like the stock market in the 90s!

Now, let me break it down for you. Robotics and automation are now mainstream because AI is getting smarter than my ex-wife, machine learning is learning more than my kids, and the cloud is clouding up more information than my Uncle Bob after a few drinks. These advancements have made it possible for robots to do things we never thought possible, like complex decision making, pattern recognition, and even talking like a human, whoa!

And you know what else is driving the growth of robotics and automation? Companies, they want to be more efficient, accurate, and save money, like Scrooge McDuck with his money bin! They're investing in these technologies, like a kid investing in their first stock. Manufacturing, healthcare, retail, logistics, every industry is recognizing the benefits of automation and jumping on the bandwagon. We’re in the middle of some kind of freak economic evolution and robots are to blame.

Now, if you're in the robotics and automation industry, you better listen up. First, stay on top of technological advancements like a cat on a hot tin roof, or you'll be left behind. Keep an eye on emerging technologies, like 5G and the Internet of Things, these things will change the game, like LeBron James in the fourth quarter. You think everything is going great then all of a sudden you’re the old guy in the room talking about rotary phones.

Understand your customers, know what they need and what they want, like an irish bartender knows what drink to make you on a bad day. This requires a deep understanding of the industries and applications where automation is used, and the challenges and requirements that come with it.

Stay attuned to the broader social and ethical implications of robotics and automation, like a mother stays attuned to her baby's cries. Know when it’s time to feed the beast versus putting it to sleep. Think about job displacement, privacy, and the ethics of automation in certain situations, like a lawyer thinks about the law. By doing this, you'll ensure that your products and services align with the broader goals of the industry, like two magnets attracted to each other. But don’t be afraid to be different. Different is now good. Different is now awesome.

So folks, there you have it, robotics and automation are now mainstream and there's no stopping it. Stay ahead of the curve and stay ahead of the competition. Just remember, always stay knowledgeable, like a teacher on the first day of school! Peace out✌️

News of the Day

  • Here it comes…the US Airforce is looking to automate it’s big cargo jets. If Reliable Robotics can pull it off then it won’t be much longer before commercial airliners will be fully automated too!

  • I give him a hard time about Artemis playing second fiddle to Atlas but Dennis Hong is a super sharp guy. My money is that one day he’ll be considered one of the founders of modern day robotics. Check out this article on him and the youtube video. At around 17:25 I started laughing..

  • I’m not a fan of dancing robots, it absolutely annoys me that human brain power is being used to develop robots that can dance. How about stopping world hunger, creating world peace? But if you’re so inclined there will be a debauchery of sorts between Jason Derulo and a bunch of dancing robotic dogs at the Super Bowl this weekend. 🙄

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Random Video

LIDAR of My Life

LIDAR, it's like the ultimate truth detector for robots and self-driving cars!

See, LIDAR works by sending out laser pulses and timing how long it takes for that light to bounce back. With this information, it creates 3D maps that show us what's really going on in the world around us.

And when it comes to autonomous vehicles, LIDAR is like the co-pilot, helping the car navigate roads, avoid obstacles, and always stay one step ahead. It's like having the smarts of a rocket scientist in your car! With LIDAR, you don't have to worry about getting lost, running into other cars, or even hitting a squirrel!

But LIDAR isn't just for cars, it's also revolutionizing the way we map our world. With LIDAR, we can now map large areas of land with incredible accuracy, whether it's the dense forests of the Amazon, the rolling hills of the countryside, or even the rugged coastlines of our oceans. And it's all done without ever leaving the comfort of an office, or bathroom.

And let's not forget about robots! LIDAR is like giving them superpowers, allowing them to see and navigate their surroundings, even in the most hazardous of environments. It's like giving robots the gift of sight! Imagine sending robots into a disaster zone to search for survivors, or sending them into mines to check for hazardous conditions. With LIDAR, robots can now do things that were once considered impossible. But let’s keep them out of the bedroom, I bet those would be some interesting hospital visits.

LIDAR is changing the game in industries from surveying to robotics, and it's not slowing down. It's the future, baby! And LIDAR is leading the way!

LIDAR is like a magic wand for robots and self-driving cars. It's giving them the gift of sight, and it's changing the way we map and navigate our world. So, if you're in the game, make sure you've got LIDAR on your side!

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Robot & Automation Art

Robot Graveyard

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