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Robot dogs fighting, lawn bots, and VC making it rain
Robots are freakin awesome

In a world full of bits and bytes be a hexadecimal
📣 Topics of the Day 📣
Boston Dynamics is into dog fights
Automowers are awesome
VC money will ruin automation
Tech of the Day: Vertical Lift Modules
⭐ Job Posting of the Day! ⭐
You can become immortal with your brain in a robot!
What's with the barking?
Boston Dynamics has filed suit against Ghost Robotics. BD claims that Ghost's dogs walk too similarly to Spot and they don't like that. Really? How a robot walks is patentable? Here's one of the patents in question:
Attention ALL legged robotic manufacturers! There is a patent on the logic and process on how a robot walks. Guess this means that we'll have some robotics starting to swagger. BD claims they are protecting their intellectual property which makes sense, if they intend to commercialize their tech in a significant way. But BD isn't doing anything substantial with their robots yet. They're not going to participate in the US war machine (even though they received DARPA $$ early on) and at best right now what's going into the marketplace is Spot and their dodo bird looking box picker Stretch.
Let's get real here Boston Dynamics. You are a research lab. You're an unprofitable company with no real go to market strategy or commercial direction. You should be licensing your tech so that the greater robotics community can prosper.

Deep Thought?
Bring on the robo mowers
I find few things in life as rewarding as coming home to a freshly mown yard. But I absolutely hate mowing. I know some of you probably enjoy the hours spent doing a mindless task but quite frankly I'd rather be coding or doing something else, really almost anything else besides mowing my yard.
So if you're like me and you're willing to pony up a couple of thousand dollars for a robotic mower, you're in luck. Husquvarna has been refining their automated mowers for years now and the tech is getting better and better. They're not great but get the job done. It's basically a combination of a wireless dog fence and a vacuum bot. Kinda aimlessly wander around mowing. I'm a fanboy of these but until the price drops into the hundreds of dollars range I'll stick to my current way of automating my lawn mowing...paying the neighbor kid $40 per mow.
Tech of the Day: VLMs
The big boxes you put all the stuff you want to hide in

If you're using shelving to store products, tools, and other stuff you should check out vertical lift modules. Basically its a tower with storage locations in the back, storage locations in the front, and a central section where the elevator runs. You can use the built-in keypad and select a tray number and it ill bring it down to you or use software and store and retrieve your items by part number.
These big boxes cost around $130K for a machine with an 8ft wide by 3 ft deep tray. You can negotiate them down though cause margins on these boxes run about 25%. Players in the space are Modula, Hanel, Whiter Systems, Kardex, and a few others.
I've sold my soul Plug of the Day
You know who takes a commission based job driving an ice truck in the middle of winter? This guy. I'm also the guy that will take gift certificates in exchange for advertising. For today's ad I took a trade on some KMart gift certificates from the team at RiteHite.
They are in the loading dock business with a few complimentary product lines. Check them out!
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Another day another hype event
Venture Capitalists are looking for their next big bet since SaaS is loosing it's luster. So the latest misguided bets are AMP Robotics and Bright Machines. AMP, the recycle automation guys, raised a $91M series C and Bright Machines, with a $132M injection. Folks..these companies are not profitable. They're not talking about expansion plans or creating new tech. No they need this money to survive. They're burning cash and need more runway to get them to their next round. This money provides a false sense of achievement. Look on LinkedIn and you'll see high fives all around from those at these companies.
This is insane. There are tons of GREAT automation and robotics companies that are profitable or at the very least break even that if they received $90M or $130M in capital coulld do some incredible things! Instead capital flows to hype.
Hey VC's why don't you bring in some common sense to these big bets and hire operators in the space that can turn a profit.
If you want to help us pay the bills check out our directory of robotics and automation companies.
Autostore is hiring a Business Development Manager that can work remotely in the US. If you like working with clients and consultants and don't mind the occasional visit to HQ in Norway check it out.
Have feedback? Not sure that I'm looking for it. If you have something constructive you can catch me on Twitter. @robotsrcoming or email me at [email protected]
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